This worksheets lets students practise the form and function of the modal verb “will” for predictions, decisions, offers and promises. This quiz is incomplete! (offer) I will always love you. I’ll come back tomorrow. Click on the words in the correct order. (promise) I'll have a wiener schnitzel. I will pay you back tomorrow This won’t hurt b Read the article and write the correct promise in the gaps 1- 6 c Read the definitions below. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. In this entertaining will for promises and offers teaching activity, students practice making promises with will and won’t and offers with will and shall. WILL / WON’T (PROMISES, OFFERS, DECISIONS) READING a Look at the six promises below. For example: We use 'will' when we are promising. will / won't for promises, offers, decisions (2). Choose the correct answer. We use 'will' when we Promises I'll always love you. Decisions Will/Won't (decisions, offers, promises) Offers I'll help you with your homework. We use 'will' when we are making a decision. (decision) In the first person, shall can be used instead of will to announce intentions. The future simple tense is used to express future intentions that are decided at the time of speaking (spontaneous offers, promises and decisions): Come on, I'll help you with those bags. I won’t tell anyone. In the first exercise students match sentences with “will, shall, won’t” and their contracted forms to make logical connections, putting the grammar in context. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. This quiz is incomplete! will / won't for promises, offers, decisions (1). For example: I think I'll go home early. I’ll write. What do they have in common? Delete Quiz. I will always love you.

will won't decisions offers promises

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